What's your vision?

When you think about growing your business- it’s not just about sales. It’s more than that.

When your business grows, it’s not the only thing that grows.

When you score more jobs, it’s not just you who shares the success.

Your crew, your team and your community all get affected. Whether for better or for worse, it’s undeniable.

When you have more jobs, more stability, your crew does too. And, as such, your crew can truly thrive and grow. Providing local jobs, for local hardworking people. Just like you.

When you continuously serve at the highest level, it’s not just you who gets job satisfaction. It’s your whole community.

Because when the people you work with, the people that see your trucks and the people you go above and beyond for KNOW that they have a local hero in their community that is always going to be there to help them, everyone shares that sense of pride.

And a proud community is a connected community.

So, if you know that each time one of your techs go on a call, each time your staff picks up the phone and each time someone sees your truck- that a good job is only a matter of time- why not let everyone know?

That’s why we’ve created our company, Wilson Direct Marketing for the sole purpose of empowering business leaders and giving them the spotlight.

Just like you, we believe in delivering the best quality job and doing right by the community. So when you work with us, there can only be one. We won’t advertise another company who delivers your services, we won’t sell leads to the highest bidder and we won’t work with anyone who doesn’t believe that the best job is the only job.

So, if you’re looking to be empowered by alignment, working side by side with a local force with a common goal, then schedule a quick call with us.

We’ll have a sit-down, see if our goals and vision line up, and if we could be the right partners for each other and for our community.

It’ll be worth way more than the 20 minutes it takes.

Wilson Direct Marketing

Terre Haute, Indiana

Empowering Local Leaders From Day One.